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To see upcoming MCAS schedule click here.


Do you want to show your Valley West School


We have created an option for the purchase of Valley West logo apparel through SquadLocker.

Visit the following link to shop for t-shirts, sweatshirts, and other Valley West apparel and gift items.


If you have symptoms of a respiratory viral illness (RVI)

Stay home and away from people

Get tested as recommended by PCP

Mask when indoors or around others

Proceed based on test results

Return to activities when symptoms improved x 24 hours & fever free (without meds)


Exposed & Asymptomatic

No isolation/quarantine required but consider I/Q for 72 hours 

Consider a mask for 24 hours when indoors or around people


Exposed & Symptomatic

Test as recommended by your PCP

Stay home until your symptoms have improved & you are fever free (without meds) x 24 hours


Positive (for any respiratory virus) and Asymptomatic

For first 5 days avoid crowded indoor spaces

Mask when you are indoors and around other people

I/Q not required but recommended for 72 hours


Positive (for any respiratory virus) and Symptomatic

Stay home 

Return to activities when symptoms improved x 24 hours and you are fever free (without meds)

For the next 5 days avoid crowded indoor spaces &  mask when indoors and around people

Guidance taken from the following:


In the event of school cancellation, delay, or early dismissal, Valley West School will submit notice to the following stations:

WWLP– Channel 22 television          WGGB– Channel 40 television     An update will also be posted on this website.


  • Any student who has had school cancelled in his/her town will not be required to attend Valley West School for that day.

  • When your town does not have school due to inclement weather, the buses aren’t running.

  • If you drop your child off at Valley West, you will also be responsible for picking him/her up.

  • In the event of a one-hour delay , students should arrive to school no earlier than 8:45 A.M.In the event of a two-hour delay, students should arrive to school no earlier than 9:45 A.M.

  • PLEASE listen to the news in the morning on days of inclement weather before dropping-off your child.


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