SINCE 1992
Valley West School will not enroll students under the provisions of Chapter 766 unless the admission process is initiated and approved by a public school’s Department of Special Education. As a prerequisite of admission, Valley West School requires parents or legal guardians along with the student, to visit the school’s campus.
During the interview process, a school official will explain the school’s purpose, services, policies and procedures. The interview will allow the student and parents/guardian to tour the facilities and observe the school in operation. Parents/guardians and the student will sign an Admission Agreement, a release of information form, and medical forms. In addition, a copy of the student’s school health record including immunization history will need to be furnished to our school nurse before the student may attend classes.
If Valley West School is deemed to be an appropriate educational setting, as determined by the school’s admission committee and the parents/guardians, the referring school system will be notified of this decision. Enrollment of a student at Valley West School will be made when an opening exists in a classroom setting that is appropriate for that student.
As a requisite of enrollment, all necessary forms (I.E.P., admission agreement, release of information, medical and immunization records, and recent physical examination) need to be complete and in Valley West School’s possession.
Valley West School does not discriminate on the basis of gender, gender identity, race, natural origin, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic class or disability.
Students are referred to us with social-emotional concerns including but not limited to the following:
autism spectrum disorders
anxiety and depression
markedly poor/limited social skills
oppositional/defiant behavior
attendance issues
low frustration tolerance
impulsivity and hyperactivity
poor attention
post-traumatic stress
poor academic motivation and responsibility