SINCE 1992
It is the policy of Valley West School to hold students accountable for learning through effort and attendance. Students must be in school to learn, and benefit from consistent attendance. It contributes to the continuity of the learning process and of the class by eliminating the frequent need for review to get a student caught up.
Students with 10 or more unexcused absences in one quarter may be subject to loss of academic credit.
Excused Absences
Students may be excused from school attendance for the following reasons:
· Hospital admittance
· Medical, dental appointments which cannot be made at a time other than during the school day (documented)
· For serious contagious medical conditions, a doctor’s note is needed indicating that it is safe for the student to return to school
· Religious holiday
· Death in immediate family (includes parents, sibling, grandparent, child, aunt, uncle)
· Mandated court appearances (documented)
· D.Y.S., D.C.F. obligations (documented)
· External suspension
· Special or unusual occasions allowed by the Attendance Review Committee
The Attendance Review Committee, made up of teachers, administration, and clinical staff will meet regularly to review the student’s individual situation. The Committee may allow or deny full credit or partial, or assign grades of incomplete. Certain requirements may be made of the student in order to regain the lost credit. As a general rule, students may regain credit by requesting make-up work from their teachers. This work must be handed in four weeks after the close of the marking period.
When a student is to be absent from school, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify us. It is requested that the school be notified by 9:30 AM to verify an absence. Valley West staff will attempt to confirm all unreported absences, and will investigate suspected cases of truancy.